Пробный вариант ЕГЭ 2021 по английскому языку №18 с ответами

Пробный вариант ЕГЭ 2021 по английскому языку №18 с ответами «ЕГЭ 100 БАЛЛОВ». Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ 2021 по английскому языку с ответами.



Примеры некоторых заданий из варианта

Deciding what to learn Psychologists and neuroscientists have studied this aspect of learning __________________ and even traced it to specific parts of the brain that process feedback and drive learning. (EXTENSIVE)
Still, that picture of learning is __________________ , Chen said. (COMPLETE)
Even in relatively uncomplicated laboratory experiments, let alone life in the real world, humans and other animals need to figure out what to learn from — __________________ , what’s feedback and what’s noise. Despite that need, it’s an issue psychologists and neuroscientists have not paid as much attention to. (ESSENTIAL)
To start to remedy that, Chen and colleagues taught __________________ to associate particular odors with good and bad outcomes. One odor signaled a sip of water was coming, while another signaled the mouse was about to get a puff of air to the face. (MOUSE)
__________________ , the researchers replaced the air puff with a mild electric shock — something that would presumably command a bit more attention. (LATE)
The team found that neurons in the PVT tracked that change. During the air-puff phase, two-thirds of PVT neurons responded to both odors while an __________________ 30 percent were activated only by the odor signaling water. In other words, during this phase the PVT responded to both good and bad outcomes, but there was greater response to good. (ADD)



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